He is exactly right. We like to watch the fresh cars post. Want to see the exact time they post. This would be sorting like this. Please add this like we have now
To expound on the comment already entered. 2.0 allowed a user to see exactly when a fresh posting entered the site when sorting by posted-descending order. First two pictures are an example when doing this search at 10:28am and again at 10:50am. This is a valuable sort function used identify the freshest inventory that may require immediate attention through an offer, bid or buy it now action Sorting by first day posting under relevance options in 4.0 doesn't provide the crucial information. Pictures are attached for examples
Thanks James! Your responses have been valuable in understanding the request. It sounds like you enjoy the multi-level sorting we have on the old platform and would like to have that kind of capability on the new as well. There is an item for this on the community board that would be great for you to follow as well. https://smartauction-ab.ideas.aha.io/ideas/SA-I-122 I am going to merge these ideas together as well so your vote and conversation are included in that one as well.
To be clear I like to see the fresh dealer listings out 500 miles as they put them up by time. I guess this would be descending posted-descending posted. Watch the fresh listings all day and also see what people are clicking on with hits.
I like to refresh all day and see the fresh dealer cars post by time if that makes sense. Nathaniel I think I speak for many. Can we please keep all the sorting there now the same and just add things. I don’t search models-makes I look at everything and look at hits and posted to get cars to see what makes sense and what’s hot. See if I can find a fresh listing to go after. This is how I buy 20 cars a week on your site. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it just add new options please and keep current sorting things there. It Doesn’t hurt to keep what sorting is available now it will only hurt you and dealers to take it away.
Thanks for your feedback! Can you please elaborate on this for our team? Are you looking for the ability to sort by posted date? Or are you looking for the ability to set a date range to search for postings that landed during that time?
He is exactly right. We like to watch the fresh cars post. Want to see the exact time they post. This would be sorting like this. Please add this like we have now
To expound on the comment already entered. 2.0 allowed a user to see exactly when a fresh posting entered the site when sorting by posted-descending order. First two pictures are an example when doing this search at 10:28am and again at 10:50am. This is a valuable sort function used identify the freshest inventory that may require immediate attention through an offer, bid or buy it now action Sorting by first day posting under relevance options in 4.0 doesn't provide the crucial information. Pictures are attached for examples
Thanks James! Your responses have been valuable in understanding the request. It sounds like you enjoy the multi-level sorting we have on the old platform and would like to have that kind of capability on the new as well. There is an item for this on the community board that would be great for you to follow as well. https://smartauction-ab.ideas.aha.io/ideas/SA-I-122 I am going to merge these ideas together as well so your vote and conversation are included in that one as well.
To be clear I like to see the fresh dealer listings out 500 miles as they put them up by time. I guess this would be descending posted-descending posted. Watch the fresh listings all day and also see what people are clicking on with hits.
I like to refresh all day and see the fresh dealer cars post by time if that makes sense. Nathaniel I think I speak for many. Can we please keep all the sorting there now the same and just add things. I don’t search models-makes I look at everything and look at hits and posted to get cars to see what makes sense and what’s hot. See if I can find a fresh listing to go after. This is how I buy 20 cars a week on your site. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it just add new options please and keep current sorting things there. It Doesn’t hurt to keep what sorting is available now it will only hurt you and dealers to take it away.
Thanks for your feedback! Can you please elaborate on this for our team? Are you looking for the ability to sort by posted date? Or are you looking for the ability to set a date range to search for postings that landed during that time?