Narrow search by vehicle Trim Level

Would like to see the ability as with the current site to easily sort/display a specific "trim level" of a model vehicle.

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  • Jul 10 2019
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  • Guest commented
    June 10, 2020 17:04

    I'd like to add onto this idea. It's very time-consuming to search through all models if you're looking for something specific. Legacy allowed you to breakdown trim levels further which the 4.0 isn't Examples -

    Mustangs - Can't search just for Premiums have to open every GT to see if it as such or not.

    Chargers - Can't search for a Scat Pack. Have to search by R/T and go through each one to see if it is or isnt.

    Trucks (General) - Can't search for a Extend Cab and/or a Long-Bed. Have to click through each picture to visibly see.

    Even so with just a few examples, sometimes they aren't as such in their selling titles so making trim required in listings might help sort some confusion.