Columns Assortment Causes Lack of Critical Importance

One may not initially recognize this to be an issue but after pointing it out, you'll be viewing the 4.0 search result differently.... look how neatly left margin aligned in legacy vs 4.0 (see screen shot). As you read from left to right (it makes sense for you're eyes to scroll) you can quickly capture intended data.

It statically send mixed messages to brain to be jumping over things (especially when it's not in any particular order / flow). Any publicist or web designer would tell you that left text alignment should be used in 95% of cases to help your readers read at an optimal, undiminished reading speed.

The average person is taking 10 second to decide if this unit is worth bidding/buying. Scrambling the brain causes extended time to search for visual information or they skip it completely.

Again as I shard, your left most column in 4.0 doesn't have the same info legacy. Legacy ordering makes sense as that's how you read across & down but also putting the price next to the unit. Location and Seller is 2nd to price and condition of unit.

Over the past 15+ years you're pre-conditioned dealers to think and view a certain way. It's working and a simple re-alignment within the code design is all it takes.

In Colin Wheildon’s research, 38% of readers found body type set wider than about 60 characters hard to read. A further 22% indicated they probably wouldn’t read wide-measure (wide columns) body type even though they didn’t find any difficulty in reading it. Also, 87% said they found extremely narrow measures (column widths), such as less than 20 characters, hard to read.

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  • Sep 27 2021
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